Terms of Use

This page represents the terms of use and rules of the website.

Create an account

By creating an account on the site, you agree to the terms and conditions below.

  • We have the right to delete, ban, consult and modify your account information.
  • If your profile picture does not comply with the terms and conditions for images and information on our site, your account will be banned.
  • The information you enter, such as your password, e-mail address and telephone number, is handled in accordance with our privacy policy.
  • We refuse all requests for administrator access to the site.
  • Must have an email account
  • No LGBTQIA+ information on your account

Data and information sent

Profile picture

It's important to follow the rules when changing your profile photo. Otherwise, your account will be banned.

  • No pornography
  • No racism content
  • No offensive content
  • No LGBTQIA+ content

First name

It's important to respect the rules when changing your first name. Otherwise, your account will be banned.

  • No inappropriate first names.
  • No first name that is similar to LGBTQIA+.

You don't have to use your real first name.

Participate in Chadi El-sayed World's videos!

If you wish to participate in the videos at Chadi El-sayed World ! You accept the terms and conditions below.

  • The first name of your account must be your real first name.
  • We must be able to recognize you from your profile picture and must respect the general conditions regarding data or information sent to our site.
  • Videos can never be deleted after they have been uploaded, unless all participants have voted for the video to be deleted. The procedure can take from 8 to 12 months.

Chadi El-sayed World location rules

By coming to Chadi El-sayed, you accept the terms and conditions below.

  • No shoes allowed inside
  • No smoking (There may be exceptions)
  • Must have an account on Chadi El-sayed World (Only for 18+ persons)
  • Respecting others
  • Respecting boundaries when coming to people's homes
  • Do not touch devices or objects without permission from an manager
  • Do not sit or sleep on the bed (There may be exceptions)
  • No eating or drinking except with the permission of an manager
  • LGBTQIA+ is prohibited
  • Access to our network is not possible
  • If an identity card is required, please present it.

If you do not respect the above rules, you will be expelled from the site and your account will be banned.



  • Treat everyone with respect. No harassment, sexism, racism, insults, swearing or hate speech will be tolerated.
  • No spam or self-promotion (server invitations, advertising, etc.).
  • No obscene or age-restricted content, whether text, images or links featuring nudity, sex, hyperviolence or any other disturbing explicit content.
  • Avoid mentioning administrators.
  • No request to become admin.
  • Speak English only in chat.
  • LGBTQIA+ is prohibited

If you notice anything that's against the rules or makes you feel unsafe, let the administrators know. We want this server to be welcoming to everyone!

If the rules are not respected, a penalty will be imposed by an administrator.


Rules Cinema (Public Mode) (Bigscreen VR)

  • You may speak without disturbing the spectators
  • Please limit your movements in the auditorium to avoid disrupting the view of spectators.
  • Please do not insult or swear.
  • LGBTQIA+ is prohibited
  • Please silence your phones to avoid disturbing spectators.
  • Please don't annoy spectators by throwing objects or drawing all over the room.
  • Do not talk during the film
  • Don't draw inappropriate things

The cinema is free and requires no account. If you do not respect the cinema rules, you will be expelled from the cinema.

Rules Cinema (Private Mode)

  • No talking during the film
  • Switch phones to silent mode to avoid disturbing spectators
  • Respecting others
  • Must have an account on Chadi El-sayed World (Only for 18+ persons)
  • LGBTQIA+ is prohibited
  • Pay for tickets before the film starts

If you do not respect the cinema rules, you will be expelled from the cinema.